
Cleburne Bass Club By-Laws
(Effective January 1, 2025)

RULE I.  New members may join the Cleburne Bass Club during any monthly meeting. New members may also join at the boat ramp tournament morning ONLY if they have expressed interest to any CBC officer in joining at the ramp tournament morning BEFORE the tournament lake was voted on and announced at the monthly meeting. 

RULE II. The annual dues of a member shall be forty dollars ($40.00) if joining prior to the May club tournament. Dues for members joining after the May club tournament shall be pro-rated at the rate of $5.00 per month. (Members joining in June shall be $35.00, July shall be $30.00, August shall be $25.00, September shall be $20.00, October shall be $15.00, November shall be $10.00 and December shall be $5.00).

RULE III. A copy of each amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws, when adopted, shall be delivered to each member by the Secretary. 

RULE IV. Proxies of members shall not be valid for voting in elections, nor in the adopting of any such resolutions or measures. 

RULE V. The President shall, not later than the regular October meeting, appoint a Nomination Committee composed of five (5) active members in good standing. It shall be the duty of such Nomination Committee to make public its ticket, composed of candidates for all elective offices, to the Executive Board at its regular meeting prior to the November meeting. 

RULE VI. Any member of the club shall be privileged to make nominations from the floor at the November meeting for any office in the club, first having secured the consent of his nominee to serve if elected. Nominations shall be closed at the end of the November business meeting. 

RULE VII. Each member is charged with the responsibility of conducting himself in such a manner that the reputation, interest and good standing of the club, and its members will remain on the present high plane. 

RULE VIII. Tournament rules can be changed anytime during the year by a majority vote by the current board members.

RULE IX. There shall be ten (10) monthly club tournaments and a year-end tournament to be held in the month immediately following the last regularly scheduled monthly club tournament. 

RULE X. Regulations for monthly club tournaments: 
A. $40 entry fee (10% goes to year-end tournament pot). 

B. Pay three places (50/30/20 payout). If only two members catch keeper fish, payout is 60/40. If there are 20 or more entries then the payout goes to a 1:5 payout. (1-19 entries pays 3 places, 20-24 entries pays 4 places, 25-29 entries pays 5 places, 30-34 entries pays 6 places, etc.)

C. $10 big bass pot (optional) pays one place (100% payout).

D. Selection of the club tournament lake is selected by majority vote at the monthly club meetings. Tournament lakes are selected at the meetings for that current month. Each member present will nominate a lake of their choice by secret ballot and after all members vote, president will tally up lake nominations and the top three lakes will go into another vote by all members with the majority voted lake being the winning lake choice. In the event of a tie, members will re-vote by secret ballot between tied lakes then majority lake wins. In the event of a second tie, tied lakes will go into a blind draw to be chosen by the president. Tournament hours will be decided shortly thereafter. 

E. Chosen tournament lake will be off limits from the Thursday evening prior to the tournament until the Sunday morning of the tournament. (In other words, the Friday and Saturday prior to tournament day.)

F. All Cleburne Bass Club rules are in effect.

G. A member who nominates a lake for the monthly tournament must be able to provide to members present any pertinent information about the lake, such as directions from Cleburne to the lake, ramp information, launch fees, special rules or restrictions, etc. Failure to do so will nullify that lake from consideration and the selection will revert to the second place lake.

H. The July, August and September club tournaments will be a 3 fish limit instead of the normal 5 fish limit to help with fish care. 

Rule XI. Regulations for year-end tournament: 
A. Two day tournament (Saturday and Sunday) held in the month of November on the weekend following the first Thursday of the month. Total combined weight for both days wins.  

B. Tournament can be held on any lake in the state of Texas. 

C. $40 entry fee

D. Pays six places (35/23/17/12/8/5 payout). If less than six contestants weigh in fish the unawarded prize money will be divided evenly among the contestants that did weigh in fish. 

E. $10 big bass pot (optional) pays two places (65/35 payout). 

F. Selection of lake done by blind draw from lakes submitted by qualified members at October meeting. (One lake from each member).

G. To qualify for the year-end tournament, a member must fish at least 50% of all C.B.C. tournaments. (10 out of 20 regular season club tournaments and jackpot tournaments in any combination.)  No member may pay entry fees for a tournament if they are not actually fishing in order to help them qualify for the championship. 

H. The year-end championship tournament can be fished on any lake even if it has already been fished during the regular season or if it was the prior year's championship lake. 

I. The year-end tournament pot determined by: 
    1. Membership fees 
    2. 10% of regular monthly club tournament entry fees. 
    3. 20% of pot tournament entry fees. 
    4. Year-end tournament entry fees. 

J. All applicable Cleburne Bass Club tournament rules are in effect. 

RULE XII. Regulations for Team Pot Tournaments: 
A. Held on local lakes on the last Sunday of each month January thru October. 

B. Open to club members and non-members. 

C. $50 entry fee per team (20% goes to year-end tournament pot). 
    1. Payout is 1 in 5

D. $10 big bass pot (optional) pays one place (100% Payout). 

E. Payout at end of tournament. 

F. All applicable Cleburne Bass Club Tournament rules are in effect. 

RULE XIII. Angler of the year points will be determined by the following: Points for each tournament will be determined by the number of entries. Winner will receive one point for each entry in the tournament. Example: If 25 members fish in a club tournament, then first place gets 25 points; second place gets 24 points; third gets 23 points; etc. Those who enter the tournament but do not catch a keeper fish will receive half of the last place points. 

RULE XIV  At the end of the season (10 club tournaments), members top 9 tournament results will be tallied up to determine Angler Of The Year. In other words, everyone's 1 worst tournament result, whether it be low points from a poor finish or zero points from being unable to attend a tournament will be eliminated.  

RULE XV. The winner of Angler-of-the-year will receive free entry into the following season’s tournaments. This includes basic entry to regular club tournaments and does not include big bass, six-pound pot, year-end tournament or jackpot tournaments.

RULE XVI. Up to five plaques will awarded at the end of the year. Angler-of-the-year, most weight for the year, biggest stringer for one tournament, biggest fish for the year and Non-boater Angler of the year. If one member receives more than one of these honors, one plaque will be given listing all achievements.  

RULE XVII. No lake can be fished twice throughout the regular season for club tournaments. However, the year-end championship tournament CAN be fished on any lake even if it has already been fished during the regular season. 

RULE XVIII. The Cleburne Bass Club must fish at least four "new" lakes each year. A "new" lake is defined as a lake that was not fished the previous year. 

RULE XIX. The Cleburne Bass Club cannot fish a lake that is more than 150 miles radius from Cleburne (As the crow flies) except year-end championship tournament.

RULE XX.  If Cleburne Bass Club sends two teams (12 members) to the Bass Clubs Of Texas Top 6 Tournament in September, the true top 6 anglers participating (in AOY points) will fish together as team 1.

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